Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I caught the tail end of the State of the Union address last night (I would've watched more but I get seriously angry if I have to listen to Bush speak for more than 30 seconds at a time.) Afterwards Kathleen Sebelius gave a pretty good speech about coming together and all that jazz, then I got THIS in my email this morning. I haven't felt this motivated about politics in a long time. Vote Obama!

Monday, January 28, 2008

This Just In

Apparently my blog is "hard gay." So says one of my co-workers. I totally bet he reads this, and probably sees this as well. Booyah.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Klosterman and ESPN

I was browsing around Ye Olde Intrenet and found THIS article, a strange coming together of my sports obsession and my wife's love of music. Maybe I'll be able to make her read an article about football?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Magnetic Fields

I know I'm way late on loving these guys, but in the past few weeks they've turned into one of my favorite bands. My current favorite is "I Don't Believe You":

So you quote love unquote me
Well, stranger things have come to be
But let's agree to disagree
Cause I don't believe you
I don't believe you

You tell me I'm not not cute
Its truth or falsity is moot
Cause honesty's not your strong suit
And I don't believe you
I don't believe you

You tell me of what once was
And all about Buck, Butch, and Buzz
How they were not like me because...
But I don't believe you
I don't believe you

I had a dream and you were in it
The blue of your eyes was infinite
You seemed to be
In love with me
Which isn't very realistic

You may sing me "They Were You"
And I start crying halfway through
But nothing else you say is true
So I don't believe you
I don't believe you

You may set your charm on stun
And say I'm delightful and fun
But you say that to everyone
Well, I don't believe you
I don't believe you

So you're brilliant gorgeous and
ampersand after ampersand
You think I just don't understand
But I don't believe you
I don't believe you
I don't believe you
I don't believe you

Monday, January 14, 2008

xkcd + Redwall

I haven't read these books in years, but the guys at xkcd prove their excellence once again.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I was having a conversation with my co-workers about fighting a horde of small children and we stumbled across this test, along with a link to the Zombie Apocalypse Test.

In case you were wondering, I can take 28 5 year-olds at a time and I have a 58% chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Foiling the Fundamentalists

I stumbled across THIS website today. Sure some parts of it are argumentative and obnoxious, but it is nice to read page after page of why fundamentalist Christianity is so freaking insane.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The State of Gaming

Over the past 4 years or so I've played a large selection of games, everything from FPS to RPG and the dreaded MMO. Some of the games have been worthwhile, others not so much. The only games that have managed to hold my attention for more than a couple weeks have been World of Warcraft and the Half-life 2 games and their associated mods.

Of course I've had a few moments of turning back to classics like StarCraft and Civ4, but most of my 30-40 hours a week of gaming is spent either farming on my druid or beating HL2 for the 13th time (6 times for ep.1 and 3 for ep.2.) This is an arguably repetitive gaming life, switching back and forth between an MMO and a single-player FPS.

My main question is, when will something new come out that can actually grab my attention? I know people have been raving about CoD4 and Bioshock and a few other games, but I want a new FPS, something actually different.