Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Who knew it was so easy? All you do is show up with the papers and someone you've never met before watches you sign, stamps it, and just like that you're single again. I think divorce should be handled the same way as marriage. Your whole family, friends, and everyone who was at the wedding should have to show up and you should state your case for divorce in front of everyone, explain to each and every one of the people who stood up for your vows why exactly you feel like they (the vows) don't count anymore.

Yes, I'm bitter and angry. Fortunately I planned ahead and made sure the house is free of all booze and drugs, so all I have to drown my sorrows in is video games and baseball. If the White Sox win tonight someone may have to drive me home from the bar.

1 comment:

Garrison said...

Dude I'll be watching the game tonight too, and if it goes craptastic you can call.

I agree I think divorce is far to easy an option the way it is now. At least you don't live in CA where if you get divorced you would now loose half of your worldy goods to your ex-wife and also have to give her alamony in 90% of cases. Such BS

I feel for you all the way brother I'll drink a beer tonight in your honor, or maybe some crown on the rocks (for my more sophisticated friend)