Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009 Wishlist

There are a number of things I would love to see happen this year, especially things that would substantially differentiate it from 2008. Here they are, in no particular order:

•Joe Mauer hits 20 homeruns
I could wish more broadly for the Twins to win the division/league/series but honestly I think that if Mauer turns up the power a bit we should be in a pretty good position to do any of those other things.

•Brad Childress plays Madden
This may sound strange, but I feel like if he would only learn some very basic play calling and strategy that he would be a great coach. He clearly has some skill interacting with the players and seems to be well liked in the locker room, but the talent on our team would benefit greatly from just a little more of an understanding of situational play-calling.

•National health care plan
Although it hasn't effected me negatively in the last few years due to being lucky enough to have a decent job, family and friends alike have suffered due to a lack of modern, civilized health care. Money should not be a factor when it comes to our citizens being able to be healthy.
So long as we at least make it easier for self-employed persons and small businesses at least it would be a step in the right direction.

I guess that's all for now (I could throw in the obvious things: a beautiful woman, world peace, a billion dollars, but those seem pretty obvious.) More posts to come as I can now easily blog from my blackberry. I heart gadgets.

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